You will need the following information in order to complete the application:
Government issued ID/Drivers License/State ID or Passport with current address
Your complete physical and mailing address
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Select your eligibility
I am eligible through a Bechtel affiliation:
Select Bechtel Affiliation
I am eligible through an existing member:
Select Existing Member Relationship
Please Enter Family Member Name:Relationship:
I am eligible through a Chevron affiliation:
Select Chevron Affiliation
I am eligible through one of the following companies:
Select Company
I live, work, worship, attend school, or volunteer in one of the following communities:
Select Community Group
I am eligible through one of the following associations:
Select Association
I am eligible through another method not listed above:
-- Select --
None of the above affiliations apply to me, so please sign me up with the Financial Fitness Association (FFA). I understand that the Credit Union will pay my initial FFA membership fee.
Select at least one of the following products required for membership
Primary Share
Everyone at the Credit Union must have a Primary Share (Savings) account with a minimum deposit of $25. If two applicants are applying as a Primary Member and a Joint Member, the minimum deposit is $50.
No monthly service charge. Dividends paid on balances over $500.
Please click here for the current rate available.
MarketEdge Money Market Savings account. Balances of $2,500+ earn our highest savings rate. Monthly transaction limitations apply per federal regulations. Please click here for the current rate available.
Available for members under age 22. If the MySavings account holder is a Minor, please use the Minor membership application. Only one MySavings account per member is allowed. Deposits of up to $1,000 will earn 7.00% APY. Deposits over $1,000 earn the standard Savings rate. eStatements is required to be eligible for these rates.
Sub Savings
Savings accounts opened in addition to the Primary Share are known as Sub-Savings accounts. They are a convenient way to keep track of balances for individual savings goals like a vacation or emergency fund. Dividends paid on balances over $500. Sub-Savings accounts earn the same rate as the Primary Share. Please click here for the current rate available.
APY (Annual Percentage Yield)
Your Selected Products
Please send a free ATM card to access my account. Note:If you also apply for a Checking or MarketEdge Money Market Savings account, the ATM card will be upgraded to a debit card.
Card will arrive in 7-10 business days and will be sent to the address of record.*
OVERDRAFT AUTHORIZATIONYou have choices for how you’d like us to handle the potential of this account becoming overdrawn. Please click here to learn more about your options.
I want the Credit Union to pay an overdraft that occurs as a result of a one-time ATM/debit card transaction. A standard fee of $25 applies to each overdraft paid.*
I want the Credit Union to pay an overdraft that occurs as a result of a check or recurring transaction. A standard fee of $25 applies to each overdraft paid.*
I want the Credit Union to pull available funds from my other Credit Union accounts to pay any overdraft on this account.
Available funds are pulled from other accounts in this order: Share Savings, MarketEdge Money Market Savings, and then any lines of credit (excluding credit cards). There is no fee for this service.*
Please enter your name to confirm.*
Please order a FREE box of 60 Spectrum Credit Union standard style personal checks to the address listed for my account.
These checks will arrive in 7-10 business days.*
I want the Credit Union to pull available funds from my other Credit Union accounts to pay any overdraft on this account.
Available funds are pulled from other accounts in this order: Share Savings, MarketEdge Money Market Savings, and then any lines of credit (excluding credit cards). There is no fee for this service.*
Please enter your name to confirm.*
Please order a FREE box of 25 Spectrum Credit Union standard style personal checks to the address listed for my account. These checks will arrive in 7-10 business days.*
Funding is required to complete your account activation. If you choose to fund later, a representative will reach out to you. This may delay your account activation.
This modal is for testing the Apple Pay workflow only. It will not be displayed to the applicants. Press the Success button to simulate a successful Apple Pay transaction. Press the Fail button to simulate an unsuccessful Apple Pay transaction.
Funding is required to complete your account activation. If you choose to fund later, a representative will reach out to you. This may delay your account activation.
We offer a way to instantly verify your account information using . We only use this partner service to retrieve information required to transfer funds from your specified financial institution and to verify that your current balance is sufficient for this transaction.
1. Primary - You are the first applicant on this membership.
2. Joint Owner - You are a co-applicant on this membership. You get the same rights and access to deposit accounts as the Primary, but you cannot request a loan or vote for Board members.
3. Joint Member - You are a co-applicant on this membership. You get the same rights and access as the Primary, including the ability to request a loan and vote for Board members. Both applicants need to be Members if you are applying for a loan.
Please select the appropriate eligibility.
Please enter the relationship of the family member
Please enter the related persons name
Please indicate how you are eligible for membership.
REGULATORY QUESTIONS: Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. The following questions must be answered.
1. Do you hold a senior political position with a foreign government?
2. What is the position held?*
3. In what country?*
1. Does a close associate or family member hold a senior political position with a foreign government?
2. What is your relationship to the associated person?*
System can't prefill due to ZIP code discrepancy. Please proceed by manually entering the information or correct the value in the ZIP field in the 1st page.
1. Primary - You are the first applicant on this membership.
2. Joint Owner - You are a co-applicant on this membership. You get the same rights and access to deposit accounts as the Primary, but you cannot request a loan or vote for Board members.
3. Joint Member - You are a co-applicant on this membership. You get the same rights and access as the Primary, including the ability to request a loan and vote for Board members. Both applicants need to be Members if you are applying for a loan.
Please select the appropriate eligibility.
Please enter the relationship of the family member
Please enter the related persons name
Please indicate how you are eligible for membership.
REGULATORY QUESTIONS: Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. The following questions must be answered.
1. Do you hold a senior political position with a foreign government?
2. What is the position held?*
3. In what country?*
1. Does a close associate or family member hold a senior political position with a foreign government?
2. What is your relationship to the associated person?*